catalpa bignonioides

spent the day with doug and telisha williams, they have a cd slated for release in the beginning of '06, hoping to come up with useful images for the disc.
but it raises a question, how do you take a photograph of music? how, in a couple of hours, do you come up with visuals that rise to the level of music?
Bill - good photographs are naturally musical. You can't photograph the wind and you can't photograph music.
I've had about ten different CD's use my stuff for covers, liner note backgrounds etc. and they just looked for something that I had shot already to use and always found something that surprised me but that worked in the end.
A band called Bigger Thomas just used my photograph of the guy at the Mermaid Day parade with the Pres. Bush mask for their cover. (Reggae band).
On the other hand - photographing the musicians - that is a wonderful challenge. I would love to use the shot below where the house burnt down and use it for a background for a band.
What band - I dunno.
exactly right db.
additionally-people who buy music want to see the source. it's the acquisition of the source pictures that is troubling because how can the driver's license shot say "these mortals are a ringing bell".
generic band photos are as stylized as wedding stuff, the band members standing around looking profound
Yeah, this is an interesting question. As one of the two people Bill drug all over the place yesterday taking pictures of, I thought I'd leave a comment on it.
Honestly, I think photos of things other than Telisha and me could do a better job expressing what our music is about. Like Bill said, though, people want to see the source, and that's us. Hopefully some of the shots Bill got will have the interesting textures, frames, whatever it is that make his photography great, but still have us in the picture as well. That would be the best of both worlds.
when you, Bill, go to capture doug and telisha, you aim to give the buyer a single visual glimpse of a live performance, where they hear the music but only see the performers for an instant, and thru someone else's eyes, at that. and the photograph you give them is really a picture of your ability to see.
the trees in the backlit mist reminds me of a doorway to eternity... an image of such calm beauty it holds the viewer in stillness long enough for the mind to taste freedom only reached thru tranquility
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