the small print

Tonight Charlottesville City Council votes on the Woolen Mills. The question is whether to put the convenience of cut through traffic above the needs of a residential neighborhood.
In May, Council agreed to open 4th Street across the downtown pedestrian mall and further, they made the street one-way. These actions were taken in response to the requests of the downtown business people. Council can respond quickly.
After a one year "study-period" Council will decide whether to make the 4th Street changes permanent.
Please, City Council, please let us have our neighborhood back for a year, make Franklin Street one way south between Market and Carlton Avenue and restrict trucks and cut through traffic.
Note: For those of you interested in analyzing aerial imagery. The photo above was taken July 11, 1957. It appears that Carlton Mobile Home Park and Sunrise Mobile Home Park are still hay fields. The Carlton Avenue industrial corridor is fully developed from Franklin Street to Carlton Road. Woolen Mills park, the Mill's recreational area south of the railroad tracks, still exists, hasn't yet been converted into an industrial park.
No sewage sludge smell- the RWSA facility has not yet been built.
North of the tracks it would appear that the only industrial encroachment into the residential neighborhood is one lot of junked cars on Harry Wright's property.
The following year, "urban-removal" experts, Harland-Bartholomew and Associates will craft a plan:
January 6, 1958
Mr A.C.Coleman, R.M.Davis, Thomas.J. Michie, Louie.L. Scribner and Sol.B. Weinberg present. Mr David J Wood addressed council, presented ?the Workable Program for Urban Renewal? as prepared by Harland Bartholomew and Associates.
An ordinance entitled ?An ordinance amending and re-enacting the code of the City of Charlottesville of 1945 by the addition thereto of a new chapter numbered 35 and entitled ?Regulations governing the subdivision of land within the corporate limits and within three miles of the City of Charlottesville?and replacing section 1 through 5, inclusive of the subdivision regulations, which are part of chapter 33, Code of the City of Charlottesville 1945 entitled ?Zoning?? was offered by Mr.Scribner, seconded by Mr. Weinberg, and carried over to the next meeting for consideration.
This plan lays the groundwork for the destruction of the Vinegar Hill neighborhood and the introduction of "Industrial zoning" and multi-family zoning north of the railroad tracks in parts of the Woolen Mills neighborhood that will not be annexed until 1963!
Labels: government, Woolen Mills Village
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