
London is on a river, Paris is on a river, Charlottesville is on a river
If we were to hold our local waterways in higher regard, what would that look like? In the fall of 2007 architect W.G. Clark held a design studio at UVA that worked on this question.
The Rivanna River forms the eastern boundary of Charlottesville, and Free Bridge is the city's primary eastern entrance. As a major natural feature so important to the founding and history of the city the river is nevertheless curiously invisible. This project seeks to create a place that will encourage use of the river and provide a better understanding of its natural and cultural importance.--WGC
"Transpiration", an exhibit of student work from the University of Virginia School of Architecture, will be shown at the Charlottesville Community Design Center during the month of October. Projects engage both landscape and building, and are located along the streams, rivers, and water infrastructure of Charlottesville. This show hopes to reveal the potential of design and representation to transform public perception of the city's hydrological network.
The exhibit features work by Graduate and Undergraduate Students at the University of Virginia School of Architecture Studios: Lucia Phinney, Jeana Ripple, Nancy Takahashi, W.G. Clark, and Robin Dripps. Independent: Zoe Edgecomb, Katherine Pabody.
"Transpiration" opens Friday, October 3 at 6:00 p.m., and runs through the month of October.
The exhibit is located at the Charlottesville Community Design Center 100 5th St. NE Charlottesville, VA 22902. That is on the north east end of Charlottesville's downtown pedestrian mall.
Labels: riverine
Up here, our river (Hudson) gets mentioned by people from time to time (especially by our esteemed Pete Seeger, who I got to listen to live a little under two weeks ago), but I still feel gets taken for granted. How I would love to see the work generated on your river's behalf.
- Barrett
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