Mr.Emory, You have some great photographs. I am interested in using some of your photographs in a publication by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities?s Violence and Community Center called Tough Times Companion? (see website: Tough Times Companion is a collection of poetry, essays and photographs by and for people surviving difficult times. It is distributed free of charge (shipping charges may apply). Please email me at We are trying to have TTC vol.3 printed in time for the Virginia Festival of the Book on March 17-21. Please respond soon! Thanks, Angie Silver Star Daniel?TTC Designer and Editorial Board?
and never too soon...
You have some great photographs. I am interested in using some of your photographs in a publication by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities?s Violence and Community Center called Tough Times Companion? (see website: Tough Times Companion is a collection of poetry, essays and photographs by and for people surviving difficult times. It is distributed free of charge (shipping charges may apply). Please email me at We are trying to have TTC vol.3 printed in time for the Virginia Festival of the Book on March 17-21. Please respond soon! Thanks,
Angie Silver Star Daniel?TTC Designer and Editorial Board?
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