moving on-change of address

I am not a new technology adopter. I want my technology to work and to stay out of the way. The publishing "program" that has made the daily presentation of B&W possible is "Blogger", software launched in 1999.
Record a thought with pencil and paper, then throw your writing materials in a drawer. Twenty years later, open the drawer, the paper and pencil remain. Amend your thought. The pencil still works. The paper works. Blogger has approached pencil and paper reliability. Pencil and paper are good technology. As a user, I've never had to spend time software wrestling. Blogger worked.
On the simplest level the software has provided easy access to a space, a blank wall, a means to hang pictures. It's a blank wall in my home that appears in locations all over the world. Magic.
I've been at this Internet location for five years. At this URL, this uniform resource locator.
For business and security reasons, the good people at Blogger (owned since 2003 by Google) are changing their software in a way that will require me to move on, to leave this address.
The 1290+ posts that are accessed via this URL and presented with Google/Blogger software will remain.
Future posts can be found at: