X-Original-To: woolenmills@list.mail.virginia.edu Delivered-To: woolenmills@list.mail.virginia.edu From: greg gelburd <gelburd@cstone.net>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 21:41:07 -0400

this weekend i tried to buy the 3/4 acre lot behind my house on e market st.. I knew it was in danger of being developed. it actually is on franklin st. across from the woolen mills storage units. Mary Ann Parr accepted my offer but then received a higher one and blew off our contract due to a technicality. She alleges the buyer is going to put four houses on the lot. As this lot is zoned R 1 S, which allows one house, the buyer will have to go to the city. Please be on the look out for a zoning change request. This could put four more houses on Franklin, an already small road with a railroad tunnel. Please be on the lookout for the zoning request as soon as this person (unnamed to me presently) requests a zoning change.

greg gelburd
