Thursday, December 01, 2005

home alone

blackbird on the streets of Davetown, Dave's birthday today

Blackbird flew south this morning after 2 weeks of being my caretaker, shepherd and everything through rain, night, frost, fugues, depressive interludes.
I haven't been easy, but I have rested easy, I have been cared for. A curative visit appreciated beyond words.

Amsel flew towards the south this morning after 2 weeks of the Centres my employee, sheepdog and all by rains, harms, freezing, Fugues, of Zwischenspiele depressing. I was not simple, but I have simple, me interested was stopped. A curative visit estimated beyond the words (english to german to french to english again, courtesy babelfish, the poetic translation machine)

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Blogger Barrett said...

The Babelfish translation almost makes it sound like you were chanelling Günter Grass (not a bad guy to be chanelling, IMO). Rugged as we like to be much of the time, there are also times when it's good to be cared for, and always good to know were cared about.

Blogger Michael said...

Oh this is a very sweet photo, and if a tribute, a rare one. Thanks from the rest of us, I think.


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