Saturday, July 08, 2006

Sylvilagus floridanus

Eastern cottontails are solitary animals, and they tend to be intolerant of each other.

Age at sexual or reproductive maturity, 2 months
A mating pair performs an interesting ritual before copulation. This usually occurs after dark. The buck chases the doe until she eventually turns and faces him. She then spars at him with her forepaws. They crouch, facing each other, until one of the pair leaps about 2 feet in the air. This behavior is repeated by both animals before mating
Rabbits average three to four litters per year.

Vocalizations of the eastern cottontail include distress cries (to startle an enemy and warn others of danger), squeals (during copulation) and grunts (if predators approach a nesting doe and her litter). Eastern cottontails are short-lived; most do not survive beyond their third year. Females are larger than the males.- University of Michigan Museum of Zoology

In America, people like rabbits. Disney propaganda? Thumper? They definitely thump a lot.
When moving this rabbit out of the road I wondered about contracting Tularemia.

Several precautions can protect individuals from tularemia.
? Avoid drinking, bathing, swimming or working in untreated water where infection may be common among wild animals.
? Use impervious gloves when skinning or handling animals, especially rabbits.
? Cook the meat of wild rabbits and rodents thoroughly.

Why is there concern about tularemia as a bioweapon?

Tularemia, in aerosol form, is considered a possible bioterrorist agent. Persons who inhale an infectious aerosol would likely experience severe respiratory illness. Any suspected cases of tularemia inhalation should be immediately reported to local and state health departments.- Illinois Department of Public Health



Blogger emory said...

Remember, cook your rodent meat thoroughly!

Blogger Doolittle said...

Hey, how'd you get him to pose like that?


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