Tuesday, February 24, 2009

street photographer

Photography while driving through the hinterland presents a challenge. The road and its shoulders, according to local law and custom, are usually a public right of way, except when they are not.
If our street photographer gets out of the protective automobile is he in public or private space? He is in a ROW (right of way), a corridor over which he has permission to travel, but not necessarily a corridor from which he can photograph. I have been reminded of this point at the end of a gun.
In our fair state of Virginia, in the hinterland, it is primarily the property owners who own the land under the dirt roads, gravel roads and lower order paved roads.
So, when you step out of the vehicle, be prepared to humbly beseech the proud landowner for permission to breath, and if it is His will, to safely return to your car and git on down the road.



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