Monday, April 20, 2009

broken bees

Lived in peace with the carpenter bees until today. Sophie wouldn't walk outside for the buzzing. Final straw. Plugged bees holes in the rafter ends with steel wool.


Monday, December 15, 2008



Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Bank of America

What is a bank. A tower somewhere. A computer network. Power in digital form. Banks become more godlike as each year passes. How do we communicate with Banks? Petition them with prayer? That is what I've been doing today. The modern form of petitioning with prayer, 1-800-KIS-MYAS. Calling, waiting, navigating menus, explaining, being transferred, being dropped.
The prayer partners at the Bank, the tools available to them, amazing. They can instantly access records and see that I am a faithful servant, that I am worthy, a member of the flock for thirty years. But, the aid I seek. "I am sorry sir."


Sunday, February 11, 2007

day of rest

digital version from a year ago


Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Life is rife with and riven by alliances.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

non sequitur

high springs, florida

any of you speak Bulgarian? Babelfish doesn't. Bulgaria about the size of Tennessee. A blogger in Bulgaria is using one of my image maps. fluXus the blogger's name. I tried to say hey but in addition to word verification one has to be a "member". fluXus lives in Sofia...

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Monday, February 27, 2006

the Citadel, Charleston, SC

"What do Plebes(Knobs)Outrank? Sir/Ma'am, the President's cat, the Commandant's dog, and all the captains at VMI, Sir/Ma'am." (Source: Guidon, 1998-99, p.74.) [Although The Guidon, 1998-99 uses the term "Plebes." The fourth classmen at the U.S. Naval Academy and at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy are called "plebes." "Knobs" has been a unique term for The Citadel's fourth classmen for at least 35 years. Why does The Guidon continue to use another college's vocabulary?--HN]
-from Knob Knowledge

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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Citadel mess

Knobs--4th classmen--have always had to pop off at mess. Originally they could be asked any question. They would come over to the library to find the answer. Later, in the 1970's, the questions were limited to facts pertaining The Citadel in some way. Since the same questions were asked from year to year the librarians kept a box of 3 x 5 cards with the answers. This later was put in paper format and in 1976 it was put on the computer. It has expanded to include all sorts of Citadel lore and history. Tenatively, a question could be asked about any of the topics, but most of the information will never be asked by knobs. It will be asked by administrators and others. Alumni appear to read it thoroughly and even people who have no connection with The Citadel keep sending comments. At mess, the answering and asking of questions was at one time called, "stump the stars." Today, Knob Knowledge is restricted to what can be found under "M. Fourth Class Knowledge" in the The Fourth Class Knowledge Manual. The Knob Knowledge file on the Daniel Library Web site was originally created by LTC Herbert T. Nath.-
Daniel Library, the Citadel

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Wednesday, August 03, 2005


666 miles. eek. rode in the back seat, emma driving.

sophie copilot.

in the black cabinet making a 16x20" print, a commission. sooo easy in Photoshop, a challenge in the analog world, faces in deep shadow, hands and feet in bright light. It is a challenge to print and once finished it will be beautiful. old, graceful technology.

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