Monday, November 30, 2009



Sunday, November 29, 2009



Saturday, November 28, 2009

waiting on a train


Friday, November 27, 2009

Hardings Wharf, Dividing Creek

site of former Piankitank Line ferry stop


Thursday, November 26, 2009


with family

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jimmy Dog Studio

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jimmy Dog Studio

Maia Oden, Emily McCormick, Terri Allard and Laura Light


Monday, November 23, 2009

Jimmy Dog Studio

Sunday, November 22, 2009

day of rest

Union Chapel


Saturday, November 21, 2009


The free and automatic distribution of phonebooks is supposed to be a public service, but it's actually a detriment to the appearance of our streets and to the environment. Apart from merely creating litter, printing so many books is hugely wasteful. The number of phonebooks delivered annually outnumbers the entire population of the U.S. by two to one. When more convenient, up-to-date, and paperless directory options are available online, we have to ask ourselves why so many phonebooks are still being printed.
Luckily, this problem hasn?t escaped notice by municipal and state governments.--Next American City
(Though the City of Charlottesville appears to be fine with the practice. The current crop is from "Your Community Notebook". Previously)

Your Community PhoneBook is published by YPG Directories, LLC, division of Yellow Pages Group Co. in Canada.
Your Community PhoneBook and are trademarks of YPG Directories, LLC in the United States.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Twymans Mill


Thursday, November 19, 2009


creative locus now a place of memory


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

street vendors

full belly for $5.00


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

street vendors

face in the crowd. Fang mask. Wish this vendor would relocate to CHO


Monday, November 16, 2009

last best place

Neighborhood stores are good. Helen and John's in the Woolen Mills closed a few years back, but there was still R&K in Slabtown.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

day of rest

Mars Hill Pentecostal Church, opened July 8, 1973, Founder and Pastor Elder Olin Williams


Saturday, November 14, 2009


I have never compressed, crushed or squeezed a squirrel to the pavement while driving an automobile. They do their squirrelly thing. Method in the madness. Here comes the car. Dash first one way, then another, then pirouette, then away.
I think they are pressed, squashed and pressed to the pavement by drivers who attempt to avoid them.


Sunday, November 08, 2009

Student Internship Positions Available

Rivanna River Basin Commission seeks student interns for 2010

Stormwater Tools for Localities: Research incentive based approaches to encouraging "advanced" stormwater management (from comp plan/ordinance changes to fee structures) in support of a grant to the Commission from the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation. Prepare report and present to the RRBC (2010 spring, summer, and/or fall)

Rainwater Harvesting: Working the System (graduate level internship) The Commonwealth of Virginia (Virginia Department of Health) is presently developing guidelines that will enable localities to more readily approve rainwater harvesting systems for use in public and private spaces. The guidelines are being developed with input from other state agencies (DEQ, DCR, and DHCD). The internship will include joining meetings with multiple state agencies and local stakeholders, reviewing state rainwater harvesting codes, providing technical review and recommendations to RRBC staff and committees, and helping coordinate a regional and/or statewide meeting. (Spring 2010)

Rivanna River Corridor Plan: Preliminary Steps Conduct background research into river corridor planning. Interview planning staff of Rivanna localities. Research funding opportunities. Assist in writing grant proposals. Present to the Commission and other public bodies and their staff members. (Spring 2010 and beyond.)

Rivanna River Basin Commission/Technical Advisory Committee: Support the work of the Commission's Technical Advisory Committee, quarterly meetings and ad-hoc meetings of four subcommittees in between (Watershed Modeling, Rainwater Harvesting, Monitoring, and Workshops). This internship involves working with the RRBC staff to support the work of the Commission's Technical Advisory Committee and will range from meeting logistics, researching technical and policy issues to follow-up from meetings, taking subcommittee meeting notes, etc. (under-graduate or graduate level, ongoing)

Rivanna River Resources: What's Missing? Web and Graphic Resources for Understanding our Watershed. Review websites of similar organizations (Rivanna-based, other state or regional river commissions, etc.). Working with multiple existing resources bases and compilations, obtain documents and/or links to documents available online that will enhance the "Rivanna Resources" portion of the Commission's website. Work with RRBC Webmaster to modify RRBC website with additional materials selected. (under-graduate or graduate level, ongoing)

Rivanna River Basin Commission: Building an Inter-jurisdictional Body for Watershed Protection Meeting planning and support for the Commission itself, which meeting quarterly in 2010 (provide dates and times).(Suitable for under-graduates, with discrete dates and time periods. Good for satisfying community service requirements. Ongoing.)

For more information, contact Leslie Middleton, Executive Director, at 434-975-0224 between 8:00 am to 4:30 pm weekdays or email

View Riverbend in a larger map


Thursday, November 05, 2009

Tristes Tropiques

Farewell to savages, then, farewell to journeying! And instead, during the brief intervals in which humanity can bear to interrupt its hive-like labours, let us grasp the essence of what our species has been and still is, beyond thought and beneath society: an essence that may be vouchsafed to us in a mineral more beautiful than any work of Man; in the scent more subtly evolved than our books, that lingers in the heart of a lily; or in the wink of an eye, heavy with patience, serenity, and mutual forgiveness, that sometimes, through an involuntary understanding, one can exchange with a cat.-- Claude Levi-Strauss
